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  • bf9a1b94-9b12-4d72-8d13-ac403a5bf495-removebg-preview ALPHA EAGLE AVIATION AND SCIENCE FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP
  • 36d61a96-4ce0-4b7f-a6cc-4fe2c5dd052e-removebg-preview ...Empowering the Underrepresented in STEM






The Alpha Eagle Aviation and Science Foundation Fund was established to support tuition or book expenses for Students at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. The target groups are members of historically underrepresented groups in aviation and the sciences.



Students will be notified by multiple sources at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, including this website once the application process is open. Students must complete the  online application. The application includes an application form, 1-2 page essay, and an official transcript.



Current students at ERAU must meet certain requirements ranging from cumulative GPA of 2.5, member in an underrepresented groups in aviation or science, demonstrate financial need, or be a member of one of the following organizations: NSBE, OBAP, SHPE, ASA, CSA



Every Fall and Spring, ERAU Staff will review the applications and submit the top three candidates to the Central Florida Foundation for final review. Considerations are based on the student’s meeting of the essay requirements, GPA, on-campus involvements, and community service.


Review some statistics about the Alpha Eagle Aviation and Science Foundation Fund



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Brianna Magdaleno

2023 Recipient, BS in Aerospace Physiology, ERAU Class of 2024

Every day I am closer to my dreams, and these opportunities make that possible. I feel honored and grateful to receive the 2023 Alpha Eagle Aviation and Science Foundation Fund Scholarship. Coming from Puerto Rico, where I couldn’t study what I wanted because they didn’t offer it, and coming to Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and receiving the support of my family and friends has helped me to keep going and not give up. I am going into my 3rd year studying Aerospace Physiology, and my goal is to one day make it to NASA. I want to thank the donors that, with opportunities like these, encourage students with economic needs to apply and continue studying hard. I am deeply grateful to the people who made this possible, and as a result of this scholarship, I will not stop until I achieve my dreams. Thank you.


Tory Ridgeway

2023 Recipient, BS in Aerospace Engineering, ERAU Class of 2026

It is a tremendous honor to be awarded the 2023 Alpha Eagle Aviation and Science Foundation Fund Scholarship. Because I am a student with Autism, I have additional financial needs that are necessary for me to be successful here at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University. While the fund is an immense help financially, receiving a scholarship like this is also a great motivator. This scholarship propels me to continue pursuing my dream of becoming an aerospace engineer. It is proof that there are those who believe that I have a place in the aerospace industry. If given the opportunity, neurodiverse students such as myself can contribute our knowledge and help write a new chapter in the story of inclusion as it relates to aviation. I want to thank the Alpha Eagle Aviation and Science Foundation Fund and all the donors who believe in me. I am inspired to work harder, study harder, and continue to chase my dreams with even more determination. Thank you all so much for your support.


Stephanie Blas-Lizarazo

2022 Recipient, MS in Aeronautics, ERAU Class of 2023

It is a privilege to be awarded the Alpha Eagle Aviation and Science Foundation Fund Scholarship! This scholarship will provide the financial assistance needed to complete my last three terms in the M.S. in Aeronautics at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. I hope to capitalize on this peace of mind to excel in these last three terms, and effectively set myself up for my ultimate goal of pursuing a Ph.D. in Human Factors. One of the goals in getting my Ph.D., would be to emulate the incredible mentors and teachers I’ve had throughout my academic career, including at ERAU. I look forward to inspiring the next generation of aviation leaders and, as such, express my sincerest gratitude to Alpha Eagle for supporting this journey.


Agathe Emeran

2023 Recipient, BS in Air Traffic Management, ERAU Class of 2023

I am elated and honored to receive the 2022 Alpha Eagle Aviation and Science Foundation Fund Scholarship. Without my mother, father, and close family and friends, I would not have been pushed and motivated to apply for this scholarship. I would like to thank the Alpha Eagle Aviation and Science Foundation Fund Scholarship Committee for providing this scholarship opportunity. Coming from a small Caribbean island, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, not many females have the opportunity to chase their dreams, especially in the aviation industry, therefore, I am fortunate and grateful to have been chosen for this scholarship. This scholarship will definitely help me continue my final year of education at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, which I am a proud student of. Once again, thank you to everyone who saw a potential in me and has made it possible for me to receive this scholarship.


Ijeoma Okere

2022 Recipient, BS in Aeronautics, ERAU Class of 2022

Thank you for your generosity in making this scholarship opportunity available to me and demeaning me deserving of this scholarship. Attending Embry-Riddle has been an incredible experience and one that would not be possible without financial help from scholarships. I am grateful for your belief in my abilities and investment in my future. I am currently going into the first semester/fall semester of my Senior year. I am an Aeronautics major with a minor in Aeronautical Studies, Aviation Safety, and Military Science. This also my fourth year in Air Force ROTC and after my graduation, I will commission as a 2Lt in the Air Force as a pilot. As I said earlier, I hope to commission in the United States Air Force when I graduate as a Pilot. I have been so passionate in finishing my education at Embry-Riddle and this Scholarship continues to help me get closer to my dream.


Soleih Gooden

2021 Recipient, BS in Aviation Business Administration, ERAU Class of 2021

It is an absolute honor to be named the 2021 winner of the Alpha Eagle Aviation and Science Foundation Fund award. As an international student, the scholarship opportunities available are quite scarce and difficult to attain. Being awarded this scholarship has not only alleviated the financial burden of affording college but has also restored in me a sense of hope for myself and others like me. This award has motivated me to work even harder and devote myself to becoming the best that I can be at my craft. Thanks to your support and all donors like you I can finally say that I am that much closer to the finish line.


Ruben Rosa Polonia

2021 Recipient, BS in Aeronautical Science, ERAU Class of 2022

I am very honored to be awarded the Alpha Eagle Scholarship. As an international student, it is very difficult to find scholarships that I can apply to. When I heard about the Alpha Eagle Scholarship I applied right away. The COVID19 pandemic has been a huge financial crisis for my family, this scholarship will help me to continue following my dream of becoming a professional pilot and reduce the economic strains in my family. I truly appreciate the selection committee for their consideration.


Chasity Johnson

2021 Recipient, BS in Aerospace Engineering, ERAU Class of 2021

This scholarship would allow me to further my education and achieve my goal of being a pilot and a leader for the next generation. Excelling in the best flight program in the country is one of my strategic steps for becoming a pilot, and this field is very expensive. I now realized how important the field of aviation really is in matters of business and expansion. I believe being a pilot would inspire my generation to become more selfless and ambitious in achieving their dreams because nothing worth having comes easy. Earning a bachelor’s degree where I will learn about finance, economics, and leadership is another strategic step for my long- term goal of being both an inspirational and financial leader for the next generation.


Ng’ang’a Lilian Njoki

2018 Recipient, BS in Aerospace Engineering, Class of 2019

Being an international student, I have found it very difficult to find scholarships that apply to me. Therefore, I was elated to find out that the Alpha Eagle Scholarship was open to international students. I am very grateful to the Alpha Eagle scholarship selection team for awarding me this scholarship. It goes a long way in easing the financial burden for school and enables to get closer to achieving my dream of becoming an Aerospace Engineer. I am greatly honored to be one of the recipients of this prestigious scholarship.


Wanjiku Kanjumba

2018 Recipient, BS in Aerospace Engineering with Minor in Spaceflight Operations, Class of 2020

Receiving the Alpha Eagle Aviation and Science Foundation Fund Scholarship is truly an incredible blessing. I’m eternally grateful to God and the donors for this scholarship. Nearing my final leg of my undergraduate, this scholarship will definitely help lower the financial struggles and assist in the completion of my Bachelor’s in Aerospace Engineering, and help begin my pursuit in the Master’s program of Aerospace Engineering. Therefore, my educational pursuits would be impossible without the generous support from the scholarship donors. Once again, I’m eternally grateful for this scholarship.


Malik Mollvie

2019 Recipient, BS in Aerospace Engineering, Class of 2020

As a first-generation college student from my family, I have a unique opportunity to not only introduce my family to a new path but to pave the way for Caribbean Americans interested in engineering. This scholarship will provide the financial assistance needed to complete my last year as a Mechanical Engineer at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. It is through aid like this that keeps both myself and my family motivated. In addition to providing aid to books and fees, this scholarship provides something much more valuable – peace of mind. I give my sincerest thank you to the Alpha Eagle Foundation for providing me with the support I need to accomplish my academic goals.


Jeralyn Harrigan

2018 Recipient, BS in Aerospace Engineering, Class of 2021

I am beyond grateful and humbled to have received the Alpha Eagle Aviation and Science Fund Scholarship. Originating from the tiny Caribbean island of Anguilla, which has a population of approximately 15,000 people, furthering my education in Aerospace Engineering was a rare and bold step. I applied to Embry Riddle Aeronautical University just a few weeks after my island was hit by Hurricane Irma. Despite the fact that we were without power during that period, I completed all of my application necessities from my dad’s cellphone because I was determined not to let anything deter me from reaching my goal. It was a difficult decision for my parents to make, sending me off to university, but we had faith that God would provide and he surely has and will continue to. The Alpha Eagle Aviation and Science Fund Scholarship is the realization of that faith and I am therefore truly honored and appreciative to have received the scholarship.


Estelle Jules

2017 Recipient, BS in Air Traffic Management with Minor in Air Transportation, Class of 2020

I am ever so fortunate and grateful to have become a recipient of the Alpha Eagle Aviation and Science Foundation Scholarship. As a West Indian, international, and minority student, this scholarship provides me with the opportunity to further my education at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University despite my low income household status. It’s not every day that you hear young women say they are destined to succeed, but I am, and the privilege of being selected for this scholarship will allow me to make a significant impact in the aviation industry. The industry never ceases to amaze me, especially with the ways in which it has positively contributed to society. It provides services that facilitates improving different ways of life and I am committed to making such contributions to my community.


Emalee Christy

2019 Recipient, BS in Human Factors Psychology, Class of 2019

I am blown away, and beyond grateful to have been awarded the Alpha Eagle and Science Foundation scholarship. I am getting ready to enter my second year at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University working on my undergraduate degree in Human Factors Psychology. I am actively involved in multiple student organizations and the Applied Training Science Lab. I thought when I made it into Embry-Riddle, all my dreams had come true. But this past year I’ve been learning to dream bigger and go after more- not just for myself, but for everyone around me. This scholarship is tremendous help to my educational endeavors. It lifts the financial burden, so I can focus on my studies and outside research projects.


Teslim Balogun

2017 Recipient, BS in Aeronautical Science with minor in Business Administration, Class of 2018

I am extremely honored to be receiving the Alpha Eagle Aviation Science Foundation Scholarship. No amount of words can begin to describe how grateful I am to be joining the elite recipients of this scholarship. Becoming a student of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University has been quite the adventure. However, I have had to work very hard to get to where I am and sustain it. This is why I am especially joyful to receive this scholarship, because it tells me that such a prestigious foundation believes in me and sees my potential to make a difference in the aviation community. Today, I am in my senior year majoring in Aeronautical Science with a minor in Business Administration. And thanks to this scholarship, I am enrolled in courses totaling to 15 credits and working on my commercial pilot certificate. This scholarship contributed greatly to making this possible for me and as a result, I am one step closer to graduating with a Bachelors’ in Aeronautical Science. Ultimately, I say Thank You to the Alpha Eagle Aviation and Science Foundation for believing in my future and seeing in me what I know to be true.


Andrea Martinez

2016 Recipient, BS in Aerospace Engineering, Class of 2018

I was very happy to learn that I had been selected as a recipient for the Alpha Eagle Aviation and Science Foundation Scholarship. This award will not only help me financially but, it will also serve as a reminder that there is a very kind and generous organization that believes in my potential to achieve great things in my field of study. Having this support will encourage me to keep excelling at school and to never give up on my goals. I am mostly grateful because this award will help me become step closer to becoming an Aerospace Engineer and relieve the financial burden in my family. This scholarship is not just worth its monetary value but its significance and goodwill to help minority students achieve their dreams.


Antoine Sweeting

2016 Recipient, BS in Aerospace Safety, ERAU Class of 2018

I am truly honored, grateful, and thankful to be a recipient of the Alpha Eagle Scholarship. To be honest, I was quite blown away when I was notified as a recipient because it was my first scholarship ever after somewhat many attempts of applying for scholarships.  As a recipient of this scholarship, it means a lot to me because it has encouraged, motivated, and cause me to be  assured that there are funding program out there like this one that looks out and care for students’ education and endeavors. Surely I am glad Alpha Eagle provided the opportunity for me to continue and proceed with my education, aspirations, dreams, and endeavors. Thank you Alpha Eagle once again for the great opportunity.


Norma-Jean Maumbe

2016 Recipient, BS in Aviation Business, ERAU Class of 2017

It has been such an honor to be awarded this scholarship, as it has helped me to continue my education here at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. This scholarship has made the burden of tuition so much lighter for me. What I appreciate most about this scholarship is the fact that the donors notice the gap there is for funding to minorities within the university. This truly inspires me because now I envision a future where when I have also made it in the industry, I am also able to plow back and invest in the lives of the future generation. And I thank the Alpha Eagle Aviation and Science Foundation Fund and Central Florida Foundation for lighting that spark in me.


Francisco Pastrana

2015 Recipient, BS in Aerospace Engineering & Aeronautical Science, ERAU Class of 2017

I am honored to be the recipient of such a prestigious award. The Alpha Eagle scholarship means more than a prestigious award, it means for me to be able to continue my education. My accomplishments have been due to God’s help, hard work, and the great generosity of associations like Alpha Eagle, who sponsored scholarship programs.  Without the great generosity of scholarship programs, students like me who come from modest family would not be able to obtain an education.  The money from scholarship would relieve the financial burden of my tuition costs thus allowing me to concentrate on the great opportunity of learning and developing technical skills from hands on work experience. I have no words to express my gratitude towards the Alpha Eagle Foundation; your generosity will ensure I pursue my dreams.


Ayanna Crear

2015 Recipient, BS in Human Factors with Minor in Flight, ERAU Class of 2017

At the time I applied for the Alpha Eagle Aviation and Science Foundation Scholarship, I assumed that I would probably not be granted this award due to my rocky transcript, but I was in such a bad situation and knew better than to allow the opportunity to pass me up. So I prayed, put my best foot forward and tried anyway. Once I found out that I received the award, I was elated. I had strongly contemplated leaving school due to my financial burdens, but this scholarship allowed me to continue learning and gave me an extra push to succeed academically. Instead of wondering where the remainder of my tuition would come from, I was able to focus on my academic studies without added stress. Receiving the award helped me realize that there are people in the aviation community who were devoted to help students like myself succeed. I would like to send my sincere gratitude to the Alpha Eagle Aviation and Science Foundation Scholarship for providing me with the resources to continue my education at Embry-Riddle.


Jacky Qi

2015 Recipient, BS in Aerospace Engineering & Computational Mathematics, ERAU Class of 2016

I was thrilled to learn of my selection for the Alpha Eagle Aviation and Science Foundation Scholarship and I am deeply appreciative of the scholarship donors’ support. My family in Puerto Rico has been going through financial difficulties ever since the economic crisis, therefore this scholarship was a great help to my family. In addition, this scholarship is also a token of encouragement for me to keep going forward with my education and career as an Aerospace Engineer. Therefore, I am deeply grateful for receiving this scholarship and I hope that in the future I will be able to help many other bright students achieve their goals just like how I was helped today.


Timothy Maye

2013 Recipient, BS in Aerospace Engineering, Minor in Computational Mathematics, ERAU Class of 2017

This scholarship is part of the reason why I continued in the aviation field. I was blessed with this scholarship as a sophomore and it not only served to help towards my education costs, but it served as an example that if I am willing to try different experiences there is a potential to learn. When I applied for the Alpha Eagle Book Scholarship I was never the type of student to take the time and apply for scholarships. When I was awarded the scholarship which only had two recipients, I was informed that I was one of the only two students who applied. This scholarship opened my eyes to the fact that there are people and organizations such as Alpha Eagle Book Scholarship fund who are willing to help others accomplish their dreams. Alpha Eagle Book Scholarship was a significant blessing to me towards my higher education.


Andrea U. Brown

2013 Recipient, BS Communication, Minor in ATC and Meteorology, ERAU Class of 2015

The Alpha Eagle scholarship not only helped me financially but allowed me to network with other minorities in the aviation community. Learning about successful minorities and pioneers aviation made me appreciate the connections presented to me by the Alpha Eagle scholarship donors. I am proud to have been to the first female minority recipient of the scholarship. Hopefully, I too can help another female achieve success with this scholarship in the future.


Jamar Chambers

2012 Recipient, BS Aeronautical Science, ERAU Class of 2013

The Alpha Eagle Aviation Scholarship was given to me at a time when I had begun my final semester of college. The scholarship was an amazing help in ensuring that I was able to afford the many resources I needed to fly. It helped me cover items such as books, approach charts, and various flight manuals I needed for that semester. I greatly appreciate Mark Giddarie for starting The Alpha Eagle Aviation Scholarship; through the positive experience I have had I one-day hope to be able to give back as he is doing.


Kevin Kagochi

2011 Recipient, BS Aeronautics, ERAU Class of 2013

As the first recipient of the Alpha Eagle Book scholarship in May 2011, the award represented a beacon of hope. I was ecstatic to have been selected for the scholarship because it pointed to the fact that there were people out there that genuinely cared about students and wanted to reward them for their hard work and success. I had just completed my freshman year when I received the award and it only motivated me to continue working harder throughout my college years. Thank you to all the donors for helping me pursue my dreams and further my education.


Alpha Phi Alpha
National Society of Black Engineers
Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)
Caribbean Students Association
Organization of Black Aerospace Professionals
African Students Association

2025 application:


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